By: Martin

Messages from Lars Wallentin to Fiala & Šebek

On Friday 29/5/2015, we had the honour of presenting ourselves at the seminar afternoon “The Future of Design,” which was organised by the company Czechdesign as a part of the official programme for the announcement of 20th annual Young Package Competition awards.

On the stage, designers Petr Babák and Jan Činčera were followed by Jiří Fiala and Martin Vlk from Fiala&Šebek. The main star of the conference, however, was the worldwide respected expert in packaging design and brand communication, Lars Wallentin. Lars delivered a presentation called “18 Pieces of Advice for Better Communication through a Package,” a very interesting, inspiring and emotional presentation as usual.
Furthermore, he had 3 messages directly for our agency.

First, Lars started his presentation by expressing his appreciation of Fiala&Šebek’s work. Lars said it was an honour for him to present at the same venue as the agency he considers the best! Where and in what, you will have to decide for yourselves.
The second message was directed at Fiala&Šebek’s designers. Right on the stage, Lars wrote it as an “inscription” on his notes for the presentation.

And third? Lars delved into his collection of packages, which he had bought a day before to provide examples of well-conceived designs communicating the main message of a brand, and … pulled out a package of the processed cheese, Apetito, with the question whether it was actually our work. After receiving confirmation, he said: “Regarding this package, I can only say – a fantastic job!”

Lars, thank you very much. We highly appreciate it. It is a great reward for us, a great motivation for the future work and, at the same time, a great sense of commitment.



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