By: Marek

Felix the Cat challenge

Our clients consistently provide us with really tough challenges to keep us entertained and out of the everyday mundane routine. Like there was this one time we got a brief signed by a cat’s paw.

The brief said we had to conceive a permanent sales stand for supermarkets and, furthermore, the stand shouldn‘t be just a regular one. It should be interactive to make all shoppers with a sofa or garden tiger spend as much time as possible with it because then the chance that they will buy something for them increases.

On the stand, there should be something moveable, glittery or shiny to attract all cats. There is a catch though – we can’t use electricity, not even from a battery. Diesel or steam powered? We can forget about that from the start.

OK, so we will probably not manage to set up a perpetual motion mobile. We can’t rely on wind power either. Luckily, we have the greatest force ever to appear in all supermarkets – customers. Some of them even with children. And that is a real force!

We hid cheeky Felix the Cat, who is employed by our client as a visual symbol of the brand, behind the top board. The stand was fitted with a provocative question: “Where has Felix been hidden?” Those who wanted to learn were asked to pull the red woollen ball hanging from the stand. Felix, who was holding the other end, was pulled out from behind the top board.

And what a wonder! The shoppers and their children’s power made move not only the stand but also the competitors’ sales reps, who could do nothing else but cut the red balls off.



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